繪本作者 : Ruth Young
出版社 : Scholastic
特色 : 溫馨小品 動物書
草莓的繪本分級 : Level 1
另一本動物書 看來草莓還真的喜歡動物 除了不喜歡動物的體臭和便便以外 ~~
書的文句相當具有韻律感 這是我挺喜歡的一點
Who says moo and who says squeak?
Who has feathers and a beak?
Who looks up?
Who looks down?
Who is pink and who is brown?
WHo is fuzzy and who says quack?
Who has two bumps on his back?
Who runs fast and who goes slow?
Who can hold on by her toe?
Who can tie himself in knots?
Who has stripes and who has spots?
Who thinks mud's the place for fun?
Who has long ears and who has none?
Who likes water?
Who likes snow?
Who can swim and dive and blow?
Who stays by the pond and sings?
Who flies through the night with wings?
哈 ~~ 看了上面的文章
你猜到了每個動物是誰了嗎 ?
挺有趣的玩玩書 似乎是滿不錯的 PG 書咧 ~~