我自己是個受過洗的基督徒,雖然我不是那麼乖的常常上教堂的那種,但是 上帝始終在我心中,我知道在天父面前我可能不是最乖的那個小孩,但我知道天父愛我並無二致。
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do we know that healing is appropriate for Christians to do?
A. In I Corinthians 14:1 Paul tell us to eagerly desire spiritual gifts. In I Corinthians 12: 28 Paul says that healing is one of the gifts. Paul also says that each of the gifts is best expressed with love. Also, Jesus is quoted in John 14:12 as saying, "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I go to the Father." We know that Jesus practiced laying on hands type healing, therefore, it is scriptural for Christian to practice healing by laying on hands.
Q. What is the best way for a Christian to practice Reiki?
A.. Reiki provides a very wonderful way for Christians to make use of God's power. When giving or receiving Reiki attunements or treatments, call on God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to work directly through you and do the healing for you. This can be done through prayer before Reiki sessions, attunements or classes etc. Christians have also found praying for additional healing power from Archangel Michael, Gabriel and the other angels of God to be very effective. In this way your connection with God's love can become very powerful and act as a source of guidance, healing and love that will always be available to you.
答:靈氣提供基督徒運用上帝所賦予能力的最好方式,在經過靈氣點化時,你可以呼喚上帝,耶穌基督,和聖靈透過你做工,且為你做療癒,你可以在靈氣個案進行,點化,或是課程進行之前,透過禱告來達成,向大天使們,如Archangel Michael,加百列(Gabriel),以及其他的天使禱告也可以獲得更多的療癒力量,透過這樣的方式,你與上帝的愛之間的連結將轉化為強大的力量而成為你療癒力量的泉源。
Q.. Why is the Reiki attunement necessary? How does it work?
A. The attunement is a process that turns on your healing energy. During this process God is able to connect you more strongly to his power which strengthens the healing energy coming from your hands. While everyone has some healing ability we know from experience that those who receive a Reiki attunement have noticeably stronger healing energies coming from their hands and are able to help others in a more effective way with their Reiki treatments. As a Christian it is recommended that you say a prayer at the beginning of the attunement process asking that God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will perform the attunement through the Reiki master. Christians have found this to be a very valuable and uplifting experience that strengthens their connection to God and increases their healing ability.
Q. How do we know that Reiki comes from God? I've heard some people say Reiki comes from Satan. How can I know the truth?
A. Our understanding about Satan comes from the Bible. No where in the Bible do we find an instance where Satan healed someone. Satan tempts people to sin but Satan does not heal people. Furthermore, in Luke 6:44, Jesus says, "Each tree is recognized by its own fruit." Which is to say that if something is beneficial and helps people, and those results are long lasting such as the healing people receive from Reiki, then it must be good and come from God.