
本文譯自 USA today

Adapted from USA today.

詹姆士深深相信, 有一種新的族類的孩童正在我們之間生長, 這個新的族類在靈性和精神上較之現在的人類將更為敏感和進化.

一種關於靛色孩童的信仰, 數年來正悄悄的在服膺形上學的人們之間蔓延, 這些人們相信這些孩子都被覆著深藍色的光芒, 如同靈媒們聲稱之所見.

但是懷疑論者指出這些說法並無科學研究的根據和支持.  四十三歲的詹姆士深知這個狀況.

"在科學的領域當中, 靛色孩童的說法或許只是新時代信徒創造的無稽之談." 詹姆士, 一個在他奧勒崗的家鄉被譽為"和平的吟游詩人"的作家和音樂家這樣說"可是我想任何一個好奇的和理性的心靈在看了現今的一些孩子後, 都不難發現他們的存在."

詹姆士在受到一個與他共同寫作的靛色孩童的啟發之後, 拍了一部叫做"靛藍"的關於一個具有直覺力的女孩的電影. 這部電影中敘述一個虛構的名叫葛瑞斯的女孩, 她具有靈媒和療癒的能力, 而且可以預知災難的發生.

湯米說她可以在她九歲女兒身上看到這些現象的證據,  她的女兒說她曾經與一些已經過世的人談話, 而且似乎具有預知能力. 在她上小學之前, 她曾經詳細敘述一件湯米將會買給她的浴袍的細節, 雖然湯米並未透漏她會為她買任何東西.

"我絕對相信這件事情的真實性." 她說.


這部電影以及數個與靛色孩童相關的新書和網站引起人們對於靛色現象的注意, 當然, 這其中也不乏懷疑的眼光. 即使是靛色孩童的支持者也深知, 靛色孩童的某些特徵行為類似於注意力不足過動症孩童.

某些心理健康專家們擔憂, 父母們或許會因為不願意相信他們的孩子具有某些如同 ADHS 的異常行為, 而過度信奉靛藍孩童這個概念. "但是在這些孩子當中, 的確混著一些具有非常不尋常的敏銳直覺, 以及對於人的敏感的孩子" 大衛史坦, 一位Longwood 大學執教的心理學教授這樣說. "但是我不會稱他們為靛藍孩童, 我寧可認為他們是某些行為偏差的聰明孩子."

大衛柯漢, 一位邁阿密的佛羅里達國際大學臨床社會工作教授表示對於這個說法的贊同.
"醫學中對於ADHD的看法是認為那是一個卻 現, 一個脫序現象. "他說 " 但是如果你是孩子的父母, 你寧可相信, 即使是一個行為不是為大部分人認同的孩子都是一個禮物."

國際中心關於健康統計的數據中顯示, 根據統計, 2003年大約有 6% 3-17歲的孩子有ADHD的症候群.


"他們是很敏感, 且具有天賦的藝術家, 無法服膺禮俗, 且也無法適應. 也因此他們被送往特殊學校." 朵琳, The Crystal Children 的作者這樣說.

特瑞莎的女兒克利絲朵正是朵琳書中的個案之一,  特瑞莎說, 克利絲朵在她六歲的時候曾經治癒她的耳疾, 克利絲朵要特瑞莎躺下之後,  把她的雙手放在她的耳朵上, 並要求上帝和耶穌治癒她.

靛色孩童或者已經存在了幾個世代, 但是在以往, 父母們並不鼓勵這些孩子開發他們的天賦. 溫蒂洽普曼, 的網站負責人這麼說.

詹姆士相信靛色孩童將會在人類演化中扮演一個重要角色. "不管在人類歷史或是演進上, 那將會是一件重大的事情." 他說 "或許, 這些孩子是來拯救這個星球的."

James Twyman is convinced that there's a new generation of special children among us who are psychically sensitive and spiritually evolved.

Those who follow metaphysics and ancient spiritual teachings have for years quietly nurtured the belief in these kids, known as Indigo children for the deep blue color of the "auras" psychics say they see around them.

Skeptics point out that there's no scientific research backing up the existence of these children, and Twyman, 43, knows that's true.

"Certainly in the scientific realm, this is just a bunch of New Age nonsense," says Twyman, a writer and musician known as a "peace troubadour" in his hometown of Ashland, Ore. "But I think anyone with an inquisitive and rational mind can look at many children out there today and say there's something about them." 

Twyman was so inspired by Indigo children that he has co-written and produced a movie called Indigo about a girl with intuitive abilities. 
In the film, a fictional girl called Grace has psychic and healing powers. She senses harmful situations before they happen and feels an instant kinship with other Indigos. 

Tammy Glover says she sees evidence of the phenomenon in her daughters, ages 9 and 3, who she says have talked about past lives and seem to know things before they happen. 

Glover says her preschooler, for example, described a bathing suit in detail that Glover had purchased for her, even though she says she never told the child she was going to buy her anything. 

"I'm absolutely a believer," she says. 

Glover's daughters are both in the movie, which was filmed in Ashland using local actors, including Neale Donald Walsch, author of the best-selling Conversations with God (Penguin Group) books. 

The movie, along with several new books and Indigo-focused Web sites, is bringing the Indigo phenomenon to the attention of the general — and often skeptical — public.

Even among believers, Indigo kids are known to exhibit some unruly behaviors similar to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; they are often diagnosed with ADHD. 

Some mental health experts fear that parents may embrace the Indigo label because they don't want to believe their children have behavior problems associated with ADHD, such as resistance to authority and trouble with school rules.

"The odds are that mixed in that group are a number of children who are very, very bright and astute and alert and very sensitive to picking up cues in other people," says David Stein, a psychology professor at Longwood University in Farmville, Va.

But "I would not call them Indigo children. I would simply say it's a bright child who misbehaves."

David Cohen, a clinical social work professor at Florida International University in Miami, agrees. 

"The view in medicine is that ADHD is a defect. It's a disorder," he says. "If you're a parent, the idea of 'gifted' is much more appealing than the idea of a disorder."

March data from the National Center for Health Statistics say 6% of children ages 3-17 had ADHD in 2003. 

But believers say Indigos are special kids who have been misunderstood. 

"These are sensitive, gifted artists who are non-conformists and don't fit in, and that's what gets them sent to the school psychologist," says Doreen Virtue, author of the 2003 book The Crystal Children: A Guide to the Newest Generation of Psychic and Sensitive Children (Hay House Inc).

Teresa Zepeda's daughter Crystal is among the case studies in Virtue's book. Zepeda, of San Antonio, says Crystal healed herself of an earache when she was 6. Zepeda says she told her to "lie down, put her hand on her ear and ask God and Jesus to heal her."

Indigos may have existed in many generations. But in the past, parents may have discouraged kids from developing psychic talents, says Wendy Chapman, director of a Web site called 

Twyman believes Indigo kids will play a significant role in the evolution of humanity. "It's such an important time in human evolution and our history that we need wise souls," he says. "Maybe it's possible these children are coming to save the planet."

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